Saturday, December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Packages have been arriving almost daily for a while now.  Chris kept telling me that once they all got there I should go ahead and open them.  I don't like to open my presents BEFORE Christmas but he kept insisting.  So yesterday morning before Virginia got up I opened our Christmas present.  I say "ours" because it's really for both of us.  It's a new digital SLR camera.  Chris loves to take pictures as much as I do and he even said yesterday that he can't wait to get home and use our new camera at the ZOO! 
So you will definitely be getting an overload of pictures now!!  I have only just taken it out of the box and put 1 of the 2 lenses on it that Chris got us.  I haven't even opened the manual yet to begin learning all about this camera.  I've been using the Auto mode but I am excited about learning how to shoot in manual mode too! 
I took a bunch of pictures last night of Virginia but she isn't a very "still" subject and well if I hold Bootsie's ball she is so you'll have to bear with me as I take a gazzillion pictures of Bootsie because she sits still. 

The top one was straight out of the camera and the bottom one was the same one only edited in photo shop. 
Sorry for only putting up 2.  I have several more but Virginia is wanting me to play downstairs!  I promise more later! 

1 comment:

  1. What a great gift! I am currently on my second Digital SLR and LOVE my camera:)...Have fun!
