Thursday, December 16, 2010

Insta Snow!

So far this winter in Colorado has been lacking snow.  I know we will get plenty in the new year.  It has been odd to hear about all the winter weather the east coast is getting and we are averaging upper 60's here and running around in short sleeves!  The warm weather has been nice. 

Since MOPS is on break until January I've been able to spend lots of quality time with Virginia and pull out some things that we didn't have time to when we were on the go every day.  Back in the fall at the fall festival at the nearby elementary school I bought something that I thought was so COOL!  INSTA SNOW!
I knew this would fascinate Virginia and help to pass the time inside if the weather outside was less than appealing. 

So since we haven't had alot going on Virginia has been sleeping late in the morning and not taking a nap and going to bed early.  She still has a "rest time" in the afternoon (more for me than her) where she watches a show either in her crib or my bed.  So Wednesday after Moms Morning Out I had the idea to head over to our Goodwill store and see what cheap Christmasy things they had that Virginia could use.  She was all excited about going.  I knew I had the Insta Snow at home and I thought some of those Christmas village houses would look nice in the "snow" and Virginia could have a little imaginary village.  Sure enough there were plenty of the little houses and Virginia was very excited about getting them.  She also found this little porcelain dog with a santa hat that she insisted we get.  We picked out several things for our village and then headed over to the book section.  They have a great book area and the books are almost all $0.29!  Virginia sat on the floor reading while I looked through the books.  Then we went and sat at the little cafe they have and Virginia had a cookie (they have free coffee and cookies, well donations welcome).  We left the Goodwill and came home to set up our village.

I did my research on the Insta Snow to make sure it was what it said it was.  It is environmentally safe, non-toxic, and it is actually used (maybe on a larger scale) for irrigation in drought regions.  Alot of indoor snowboarding parks are using it as their fake snow.    I won't bore you with all the scientific details.  It comes as a powder and you simply add water and it expands into "snow."  Over time the water will evaporate and it will return to it's powder form where you can simply add water again and it will return to snow!  I know neat huh.  I will say that I wouldn't use this with a child who tends to put things in their mouth.  The age listed starts at 4 but Virginia is not one that puts things in her mouth and I stayed with her while she played to make sure she wasn't tempted. 
Virginia had a great time driving her cars through the snow.  Then when it was time to put the snow up she asked if she could have the houses in her room so I dusted the snow off them and she lined them up.  Then the horse and eagle had an argument over whose house was whose. 
We both have a little cold (nothing major) and are staying in our jammies today snuggling.  Our 70 degree temps have disappeared and it's cold outside! 

*A funny virginia saying.  I've discovered that threatening to take away Virginia's cars is a motivator for her.  I don't have to use it often.  The other night she looked at me and asked me, "Do you want me to take your cars away?"  **not sure what I had done that she thought I needed my cars taken away!

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