Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Part 2

Virginia and I have truly had a great Christmas so far.  We still have to open presents with Grandma and Grandpa so the fun isn't over yet!  Virginia has played non stop today with her new toys.  I've taken a ton of pictures so get ready for picture overload.
We'll start with church yesterday.  Here are some more of Virginia in the program.  At First Pres. they do a children's Christmas Eve service where they put out costumes and the children can be an angel or shepherd.  Well Virginia freaked out a bit when she saw the costumes and pretty much started crying before we even got into the sanctuary.  But she knew that at some point she was supposed to go up on the "stage."  We got there a tad early and there were other kids up on stage looking at the manger scene.  Once the program started she decided she wanted to dance and wander up and down the center aisle of the church. finally we got to go up on stage which she did fine with UNTIL it was time to get off the stage.  Then she started crying, loudly.  All that was left was a prayer and the benediction and she did all she could to escape me and get back up on the stage.  I didn't get many really good pictures because it's hard to wrangle her and take pictures too. 

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