Monday, January 10, 2011

#@*# SNOW

Foul mood.  foul foul mood.  it snowed most of Sunday and sunday night.  We've gotten over a foot.  The schools are all on a 2 hour delay which means NO school for Virginia which means NO break for me.

We didn't get out today.  I had high hopes that we would be back on schedule tomorrow with a ministry team meeting in the morning for me and play time for Virginia with her friends but I just got the email saying the school district who the church follows for inclement weather with their pre-school and moms morning out is on a 2 hour delay tomorrow morning which means NO ministry team meeting for me and NO school for Virginia. 

Don't get me wrong Virginia really is not a problem.  But she has demanded alot lately that I play with her.  So I go to where she is and try to play with what she's playing with only to be told, "Don't touch my animals/cars/fairies."  I have lots I should be doing while we are homebound but I'm just in such a foul mood that I don't want to do any of that either. 

But while these days are LONG and seemingly ENDLESS the weather forcast is calling for some super warm (50's) weather later in the week so I'm just going to focus on that. 
Here are some random pictures I snapped of Virginia around Christmas.  They do look very similar but they are different pictures.  Well 1 in color and then 1 in black and white.

And then one of her many "looks."

And while Virginia is still obsessed with cars and fairies she has also developed an obsession with animals.  Here is a gathering.  We've picked up a few more since I took this picture.  She wanted an ostrich the other day and was very tickled when we picked up a group of animals and there was a hedgehog in it. 

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