Sunday, January 23, 2011

Olympic Hopeful or Dancing With The Stars Contestant?

I rolled over in bed this morning to find Virginia awake and smiling at me, it was 4:45am.  The no nap situation had been going really really well the past few weeks.  Around 7-7:30 she would go to bed and sleep until 7-7:30 in the morning.
Until a few days ago and she started going to sleep at 6:30 and sometimes even earlier.  Then she would wake up about 8pm crying saying she was scared of the dark so i would have to lay down with her, sometimes she would back to sleep quickly and other nights it would take forever.  And every time I would get up she would come looking for me.  UGH..Last night she fell asleep early and then woke up once scared but went back to sleep quickly and then was up at 4:45. 
I tried to convince her that since it was still dark outside we aren't allowed to get up.  She always says at night, "It's getting dark outside." And she knows that it's getting close to bedtime.  I tried to just close my eyes and see if she would get the hint but then she started flopping all around in the bed.  So I turned on a video for her (i was up way late working on a project) and at some point I woke up laying on my back and she was laying on top of me watching her video.  UGH.  Anyway, I suppose I'm going to have to do my best to keep her awake to 7:30pm.  Finally this morning after she was flopping all around and laying on top of me I said go ahead and get up.  Next thing I knew she had her whole collection of cars in the bed and was quietly playing with them.

Okay on to the title of the post.  While I fix supper I will often turn on my ipod and Virginia will dance in the kitchen while I cook.  After each song she will say, "that was a good one."  So yesterday I was in the office working on "the project" and she came in and found a roll of white ribbon.  She unrolled the whole thing and I knew where this was going.  I have looked at enough parent/teacher magazines to know that they actually sell arm thingys with ribbons attached for kids to dance with.  I also had on some piano music while I was in the office and sure enough she started dancing.  Then she wanted to take the ribbon upstairs to dance with in the kitchen.  I was tickled she let me snag some of this on video which she normally doesn't.  And I'm not sure if it still is but at one point wasn't ribbon dancing an olympic event?  I of course think she's a child prodigy.  Hope you all enjoy the videos.  The first song is Billy Joel, My Life and the second is Barry Manilow's Copa Cabana.  What? I'm trying to broaden her music repertoire from just Jesus Loves Me and the Cars soundtrack (Life Is A Highway is her favorite song).

*and please ignore the mess that is my kitchen. 

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