Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sick and Tired

Not to sound too cliche BUT I am sick and well I am tired.  I'm fighting a cold which is not only making me feel bad but is making me tired too.  On top of that Virginia has had a few rough days of whining and crying at almost everything. Not napping cranky. She hasn't even wanted to talk to Chris on the phone which she's loved doing before so you know she was in a foul mood.   Thankfully she hasn't gotten what I've got.  She has a little runny nose but nothing that has kept her from school.  So by the end of the day I'm just tired.  I feel like a mouse in one of those wheels just running around and around and around and never getting caught up.  Which I know is part of life.  Always feeling behind.  I'm working on it.  Virginia has had some great days lately of nice naps, playing by herself, and just being pleasant to be around.  I am blessed that 90% of the time she is this way.  I'm patiently trying to wait on that deployment groove to develop.  I'm seeing bits of it.  With Virginia back to napping and being generally in a better mood I'm seeing glimpses of things starting to fall into place.  Now if I can just get back to feeling 100% then everything would be great!
These are just a few pictures of Chris and Virginia at the park before he left. 

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