Sunday, November 28, 2010

Behind on Pictures

I am behind on posting pictures.  We of course went to the zoo before Chris left.  It was a gorgeous day.  One of those beautiful Colorado days where it's just warm enough to be comfortable but not too hot.  The leaves were changing and were so vibrant and beautiful.  We were in a holding pattern at this point.  Meaning we had had a date he was leaving and then it had gotten post poned so we were in that beautiful "grace period" of "extra" days that we didn't think we would have.  We had a great time.  I was able to get a few pictures of Virginia and Chris.  We stood and looked at this porcupine for the longest time.  He was straddling this branch and hugging the tree while trying to sleep.  For some reason I thought it was so funny looking.  The turkeys were right behind me and while I was laughing at the porcupine Chris was putting the brake on the stroller (it made a clicking noise) making the turkeys do their gobble gobble which got he and Virginia laughing hysterically. 
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I posted both video links because I'm not sure if the 1st one is working.

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