Sunday, November 7, 2010

Movie Watching

We were so lucky that Chris had a few days off before he left.  One of the things we did was watch videos together. 
I do apologize for my lack of blogging.  Things are settling into a routine which means I'm actually doing things that I should be doing around the house which leaves little time to blog.  Virginia still have several days a week that she just doesn't nap.  I still put her in the crib and some days she stays quietly for a bit and other days she is yelling, crying, screaming to get out.  Also some of the wives have formed a weight loss/physical fitness group.  Right now we are only meeting once a month and I am not motivated at all to exercise BUT I am motivated to start cooking more and eating healthier sized portions.  Which means more time in the kitchen/grocery store.  I'm going to also make some regular (for one family sized) meals and divide those in 2 and put in the freezer.  Most freezer meal recipes call for you to make one to eat that night and then make enough to freeze 2 more whole meals.  Well we certainly don't need all that so I'm going to make 1 meal and divide and freeze.  Virginia had her first ever playdate yesterday!  One of my friends husbands watched her while we went out christmas shopping!  She has a little boy 3 and they know each other from MOPS.  It was so nice to get out and know that Virginia was having a good time.  There is another little boy that lives near us who goes to Moms morning out with Virginia and his mom is in MOPS with me so we've been planning a playdate for them.  I'm hoping this will allow me more time to get stuff done around the house if Virginia has someone to play with besides me! 
So we're busy busy busy in a good way! 

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