Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010 Part 2

I put out all of Virginia's costume choices hoping she would pick one and we could go trick or treating.  She had been saying all along that she didn't want to go.  So sure enough as I was half way through fixing dinner she comes into the kitchen with last years dog costume.  I was crossing my fingers that it would fit again this year.  I quickly turned off everything I was cooking because I didn't want her to change her mind.  I shoved her into the costume and off we went.  I literally only got these 3 pictures and the video below this post.  I hope everyone can see it.  Youtube was acting weird and it wouldn't let me upload it straight to the blog or maybe I just forgot how.  You can see in one of the pictures she has her hand up like she's warding off the paparazzi.  I didn't dare take more than these 3 pictures because she would scream and I was afraid a tantrum would erupt too far from home for me to quietly take care of it.  She went to alot of houses on our street and got some candy.  She's done really well too with letting me dole out the candy and not crying to eat it all at once. 

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