Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pizza Pizza!

Things are still "off" here at our house.  Virginia is doing so much better since she's been able to talk to Chris on the phone.  I swear it is the cutest thing I've ever seen to watch her talk to her Daddy and hear what all she thinks is "important" to tell him.  Like about her poop for that day.  I got some pictures of her talking to him and hopefully I can get some video. She likes to tell him about "Molly."  She's started using our names and she likes use mine when she is talking to Chris.
 So all in all I guess I'm still the one "off".  June's upcoming birthday and Chris's upcoming deployment have really just hit me hard this week as I get a little taste of our upcoming reality.  I know we'll get into a groove once he leaves and things will slow down but right now I feel overwhelmed and all I seem to be able to do is cry and nap.  It's as if June has just died all over again.  I'm not sure how I thought I would feel but this is worse than I thought. 
But as much as I would like to crawl in bed and stay there life goes on and my next biggest struggle must be addressed:  dinner.  UGH...  I have promised myself that I am going to be PREPARED for dinners this deployment.  I've gathered recipes, looked at other Mommy blogs for ideas, and I am going to NOT STRESS about dinner time!!! 
One way to address the dinner issue is to get Virginia involved in the preparing of dinner.  She loves to help and if the dinner recipe allows I love for her to help.  Obviously she isn't going to be able to help make every dinner but it's fun to have some things for her to make and she will almost always eat whatever it is she makes so the more I involve her the more and more diverse things she eats.  We made little mini pizzas.  They are just english muffins (toasted), with a sauce (I used spaghetti suace because well that's all I had on hand), pepperonis, and shredded cheese.  I had to watch Virginia or she would put way too much spaghetti sauce on the english muffins.  And for some reason this night she did not want her pepperoni's on the pizza.  She wanted them on the side.  She was so proud of herself!

*Chris is home now and we are busy making preparations for June's 1st birthday party. More to come about that on the other blog.  Once Monday (the day we are celebrating June's birthday) is over we can turn our focus to just being together as much as possible before he leaves.

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