Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fun Stuff

So I am attempting to include Virginia in more of the household duties.  Nothing like chores just yet but things like giving her a broom when I sweep, a dust rag when I dust, helping me cook supper type activities.
So the other night I had bought some avocados and decided to make guacamole.  She I Virginia the potato masher and as I put the cut up avocados in the bowl she "mashed" them.  Obviously she isn't strong enough to really mash them the way I like them so I "finished" once she was done.  It kept her occupied and I was able to get dinner going without a melt down from either of us.  Then we made quesadillas to go with the guacamole.  I shredded the cheese and then she put the cheese on the tortillas then I cooked them.  I'm also hoping that by helping me cook it will encourage her to try and eat a wider variety than she's eating now. 
If you've been following my blogs for awhile you may remember when we lived in Kansas and we bought the melissa and doug puppets.  We got the cheerleader, cowgirl, and doctor.  We also bought a little puppet theater at a garage sale and the past few nights we've been having "plays."  The puppets are an excellent way to talk to Virginia about things like missing her Daddy and she feel safer telling the puppet instead of me.  Or the puppet may be able to "talk" about their feelings and it make virginia feel better about her feelings.  Then after our plays we turn on the music and DANCE.  Some nights virginia likes to put on her skirt (tutu), dress up shoes, and necklaces/bracelets and other nights she just likes to dance.  One night I had the doctor puppet on my hand and she danced with the puppet.  She was so into it I'm not sure she really realized the puppet was attached to my hand. 
So I tried to take a picture.  Virginia now yells at me to, "put the camera down!"  so I caught her frowning.  She's not frowning at the puppet but at me.  I swear you can't help but be in a good mood when you look at these puppets faces!  I was trying to be the puppet and take the picture. 
Then I messed up what would have been awesome pictures of Virginia and Chris by saying I would give her a sucker if she would let us take her picture.  Then I went and got the sucker and showed it to her.  mistake....so now in all these pictures I took of her and chris she's got this sucker in her mouth. 

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