Saturday, September 25, 2010


Things have been busy around our house.  Chris is in Hawaii for work and Virginia has been out of sorts ever since he left. 
She's been clingy, not napping, not happy with whatever I plan for us, and just overall in a foul mood until yesterday.  This is to be expected but it doesn't make it very easy for me and it only makes me dread the upcoming deployment even more.  Once we get into our routines things return to "normal" but those transition days are tough.  On top of just getting used to him being gone we've had pre-deployment briefings it seems every other day, MOPS started with responsibilities for me, and FRG "stuff" that takes up the precious little alone time I have.  And because it costs $15 a day for internet in Hawaii at the hotel Chris hasn't been able to get online so my motivation for updating the blogs just wasn't there. 
Oh and Virginia and I are both sick.  I have headaches and a sore throat and she's been sneezing, coughing, and has a runny nose.  It wouldn't be such a big deal but I do not want us to be sick when Chris gets home from Hawaii as time will be very precious at that point.  Add on to all this the fact that June's 1st birthday is quickly approaching and I am really hanging onto the "one day at a time" mantra. 
So before he left we of course took a trip to the zoo!! 
This day they had just brought out this tortoise (not a turtle) and were letting the kids "pet" her.  Virginia did so good and was fascinated by the tortoise.  I tried to get some pictures of her and Chris but she just kept throwing her hand up in front of her face and screaming no.  What can I say, some days she just doesn't want her picture taken. 
Anyway, I can't promise anything but I'm gonna try to post a little more frequently.  :) 

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